Fighting for their jobs

– Hundreds protest AFC’s budget cuts proposal

By Bhisham Mohamed

Government Ministers in solidarity with workers as they protest the AFC’s proposed budget cuts, that if materialized, would see many jobless

Several government ministers on Wednesday joined hundreds of public servants on the picket line remonstrating against the Alliance For Change-sponsored motion to cut billions of dollars in spending from the national budget by targeting contract employees who the party say are earning super salaries.

The workers assembled at the Housing and Water Ministry on Brickdam and marched to the Parliament Building where they stood for a few hours, displaying placards before dispersing. The peaceful protest was led by Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali and Education Minister Priya Manickchand. Transport and Hydraulics Minister Robeson Benn said that while the proposal does not adversely affect his ministry, he is in solidarity with ministries such as tourism; housing and water; and culture, youth, and sport which will be affected tremendously.

The AFC said that its initial motion targeted the tourism; housing and water; and culture, youth and sport ministries, but warned that other motions to deal with several other ministries and departments were imminent.

Benn told reporters that government has been warning the Guyanese populace about the intentions of the opposition “who want to get into power and derail the progress, prosperity, and sustainability the country has achieved through hard work.”

Government workers protesting the AFC’s proposal to cut budgetary spending that would result in job losses

“This (the motion) is an assault on Guyanese workers; not on the government. It is an affront and discredit to the Parliament.

It is only designed to sow confusion by having us at each other’s throats and by creating a situation where we will revert to great trouble and problems in our country,” Benn added.

He further stated that the proposal is intended to bring the country to a standstill and to clear a path for the opposition to create destruction of the working class people aimed at the government of Guyana. “Based on the discussions and the rejections we have had on the proposal in Parliament, there is no sustainability in anything they proposed and it clearly shows that this is them wanting to get power at any cost,” the minister angrily stated.

He went on to say that he was surprised that one of the political parties that stood up in Parliament and deliberated on youth development would go to the extreme in cutting off youths’ sustenance and capital support to the very ministry that is responsible for youth, sport and culture.

“This is a good budget; this is the same type of budget that has brought us six years of progress and investment and an increase in Guyana’s GDP. For the first time in the last 20 years, we have seen the livelihoods of our people improve, and this is what is important,” Benn trumpeted.

Ali, on the other hand, reiterated his ministry’s support for contract workers. Speaking with the press at the protest, Minister Ali said: “The whole objective of the protest is to stand up strong and united in sending a clear message that this exercise is not about politics but rather the livelihood of the working class people”.

Some of the workers bearing placards at the protest

The proposal, he stated, that was made by Ramjattan and the AFC will see 63 per cent of contract workers jobless. He describes the motions as “rash and irrational”, and noted that the ministry will stand by the workers for as long as it takes. Ali stated that he is urging the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) not to fall prey to AFC’s madness, but make sure that the lives of the workers are secured.

He said the proposal will see a cut in the Housing Ministry allocation of Gy$ 1 billion which will adversely affect 6500 households with respect to development; another 13,000 with respect to upgrading of roads and infrastructure, and another 200 households in squatting areas that have to be regularised.

Ali stated that the proposal will also be a major setback for the Housing Ministry with respect to infrastructural development in Bartica, Linden, and Berbice.

Irrationality and madness

Minister Manickchand believes that her ministry will be targeted sooner or later and as such, its workers are already thinking about their job security, as they believe the Education Ministry will suffer the most.

“This move is more than being spiteful and malicious and by doing so, [the AFC] will not punish the government but rather the working-class people,” Manickchand added.

She highlighted that in addition to cutting staff, the AFC is calling for the closure of entire sections of the government.

“If they were to terminate the contracted staff, is like closing down National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD); the Exams Division; Test Development; Placement Unit and more so the Cyril Potter College of Education, since the lecturers are all contracted workers,” the minster added. Manickchand emphasised that the government was always open to discussion but with this sort of irrationality and madness, it seems impossible at this stage.

“The speakers of the House had a meeting after the motion was presented and from feedbacks, the AFC refused to withdraw the motion. APNU has not said that they supported it, neither did they say that they do not support it, but I know APNU has better sense than this!” she emphatically reiterated.

In addition, the Public Service Ministry, which is responsible for hiring the more than 6000 affected contract workers, stood by the government’s position, hence condemning the motion made by the AFC.

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